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Slack Community

If you are an experienced product professional and want to meet peers, this is the place. Get your invite through filling in our sign up form.

Community guideline



We are a product community with highly experienced product professionals only. The community is open to all who want to sign up through this link.

In the BlueHeads community you can meet other experienced product professionals in the Netherlands both through Slack and through meetups.

Why are we special?
We want our members to build real diverse product experiences before they can join.
This is so we keep the quality of content, discussions and meetups at a higher level.

We are also a recruitment company and we set ourselves apart by having a community with extremely experienced product professionals only.

Have questions? Let an admin know:



Basic guidelines
  1. We welcome all product professionals whether your job title is owner, manager, designer, analyst etc. If you feel you are a product professional we feel you are too. The only thing that matters to us is experience in and around product management and product development. We’re strict on years and diverse experience, working on various products and in a role at least related to product management. So scrum masters, product designers, engineers etc are all welcome.

  2. Feel free to open more specific channels, this group is there so product professionals can help each other.

  3. Please don’t post jobs without confirming with an admin unless you’re a premium member, we will remove posts that are not checked with us.

  4. Premium members can post jobs in the #jobs channel, but only for the company they currently work for (interim or perm), don’t post “for a friend” or similar.


As we muddle along we’ll update these guidelines accordingly.


Feel free to create channels if you need one. Below the main ones are listed.

#all-blueheads - if there is an update for the whole community


#intros - if you’re new, please introduce yourself here


#jobs - we’ll be posting job opportunities here, and premium members may use the channel as well. Interested? Send the poster a DM


#meetups - we will be sharing dates for upcoming meetups here, want to promote another event? Use #shameless-promo


#open-to-work - on the lookout for a new job, feel free to promote yourself here, but please only once


#product-pros - this channel is for premium members and OGs only


#shameless-promo - promoting a new product, an event, selling cookies, promote whatever you want here, but don’t do it anywhere else


#social-media-boost - posting anything online that you need likes, comments, reposts etc on? Ask the community to help you out here

Wij zijn BlueHeads

‘Keep a blue head’ is een tactiek die gebruikt word door de New Zealand All Blacks, het nationale rugby team.

Het zorgt ervoor dat het team in het moment blijft leven, rustig blijft onder druk, gefocust, accuraat en ontspannen. Hierdoor zijn ze het meest succesvolle team aller tijden.

We kunnen veel leren van de All Blacks en geloven erin dat "Keeping a Blue Head" essentieel is voor zakelijk succes!

Kom in contact


mail  |  call  |  linkedin


mail  |  call  |  linkedin

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Bedankt, we houden je op de hoogte!

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